Admit What is YOUR Story?

What is YOUR Story

Admit What Is YOUR Story?

Documenting What is YOUR Story is a crucial ingredient in making the changes that guide you to success.  We all have different definitions of success.  Knowing what success means to you is also a fundamental ingredient.  Having the resilience to go the distance is another necessary ingredient.  Just being you, standing tall, and willing to be real  is the best way to change what is your story now to a story that is successful, abundant, and joyful.

How do you know What is YOUR Story?

How do you know what your story is?  Give a brief description of your life today. 
Example: Type 1 = I’m a working mom, I’m 40, I have 2 lovely children, and a caring partner.  Type 2 =  I’m an average person with stressful job, a child with extra needs and a husband who ignores me.  Two very different stories that create 2 very different lives.

Closer look at What is YOUR Story

Dig a little deeper and describe your work.  Look for patterns & how you feel about your work and co-workers.  This represents at least 5 days of 8 hours a day of your life.  Next check in with your health.  Next take a look at your energy level and record that.  How are your children doing in your eyes?  What are your finances like?  What’s the day to day like with your partner.  When’s the last time you skipped to the mailbox?
The answers to these questions will give you a good indication of what is your story?  You may what to take the ‘this or that’ quiz to reveal what’s my story.

Where did 'What is YOUR Story?' come from?

The past.  It represents the sum of accumulated experiences and habitual thoughts all arising from your past.  It consists of what people have said about you in the past.  It includes beliefs that are so part of you that you don’t even recognize them as old and inapplicable.  All this input from the past got you to this point, to this very place that is YOUR story. 
Some of these thoughts from the past you replay in your mind 100s of times during the day.  How can you think the same thing over and over and not come to believe it’s true?  There can be no other way but to create a belief.  This belief/thought is you.  Right?  WRONG.

How habitual is 'What is YOUR Story?'

Storing past life experiences, like learning to walk, and turning them into programs is the job of the subconscious.  These programs are called habits.  These habitual programs are there so you never have to relearn something.  They are running you 95% of the time!  For more information from Bruce Lipton on this amazing statistic Click Here.

The Glitch

The tricky part between subconscious and “what is YOUR story’ occurs when it becomes apparent that most of the programs in your subconscious were established between ages of 1-7.  This is known in child development as the theta brain wave stage much like hypnosis in adulthood.
This is a time of  parental instructions that were of a negative nature, “don’t run out into the street” and limiting, “don’t walk on that path by yourself may be dangerous.” The rest of the programs ingrained in subconscious stem from negative, uncomfortable events in your life that stimulate strong emotions.

The Conscious Mind and What is YOUR Story

If the conscious mind attends to the fulfillment of desires and wishes.  It is a thinking mind. When you are thinking,  the subconscious mind takes over and the body runs in a habitual fashion.  You are only in the conscious mind 5% of the time! And you wonder why it’s difficult to let go of “what is your story” and create a different, better story of you.

Step by Step to Change

steps2 Create YOUR Best Life Now
If you want to change your life it is imperative that you alter “what is your story” to match what you desire in your life. 
Step 1 Recognize ‘what is YOUR story’ now. What are those things you habitually tell yourself about you and your life?   What is the negative emotion that this story embodies?  Maybe it represents fear, frustration, unworthiness, weakness, lack, insecurity.  What are the thoughts that go along with this emotion you have chosen, the thoughts that seem so true? 
Step 2 Associate and identify any other feelings that arise when you say the negative thoughts to yourself.
Step 3 Congratulate yourself on uncovering some of the habitual hidden parts of “what is YOUR story”  Just doing this begins to loosen the grip of the habitual programs keeping “what is YOUR story” the same old story.
Step 4 Be aware any time these repetitive thoughts and emotions appear in your life and transmute them to thoughts and emotions of the story of the successful you.
Craft the thoughts and emotions that link to the new What is YOUR Successful Story.   Begin to substitute the new thoughts in for the old habitual ones and new emotions in for old ones.  You are now changing What is YOUR story to What is YOUR SUCCESSFUL story.