Basic Way to Enhance Energy

Understanding the basic way to enhance energy
Think of an area or situation in your life that is draining your energy. It could be work, it could be a relationship or lack of a relationships. It could be a project that continues to require more and more of your resources. When these things happen you feel depleted.
Sometimes negative emotions can be the area of your life that drains energy. Some of the obvious emotional states are depression or feeling powerless or great sadness. These emotions can quickly deplete any reserves of energy you might have.
Stress can also exhaust any vigor you may have. Stress causes your body to focus on ‘flight or fight’ response which uses any reserves of strength you may have so that you can rush to safety. When you are in “fight or flight” too often all of your reserves are consumed and you find yourself exhausted and without energy.
Questions to ask to uncover your ability to begin the basic way to enhance energy.
Sit quietly, clear your mind of chatter and be brutally truthful with your answers to these questions.
Are you ready to have this energy draining situation change for the better? Doing the same thing no matter how draining can sometimes feel safe.
Have you learned everything you need to learn from having the situation in your life? Many times difficult situations are there to make us aware and conscious of things that need to change.
Are you willing to change from learning through pain to learning through joy in this area of your life? Pain grabs your attention & seems to be the go to way to learn yet learning through joyful experiences works as well and simultaneously helps others.
How have you grown from experiencing this situation?
What are some of the new insights its yielded in your mind?
Do you mean it, when you ask to grow in a new and more joyful way in this area of your life?