Discover the Other Side of WEARY

Discover other side of Weary

Discover the Other Side of WEARY

Let’s discover the other side of WEARY.    These are times that generate mental weariness.  There’s no doubt about it.  Most of the distractions that you’ve created to take your mind off how weary you feel are either gone or are making your weariness worse.

Discover the other side of Weary - Setting the Scene

These are times when a trip to the grocery store is one of the safe / condoned outings.  The shelves are not so stocked.   The lady giving away bits of chocolate hasn’t been around for months.  The checkout folks are reticent to pack a bag that came from your car.   The petitioners are gone.  Only 3 weeks until election day.  Weary.
The temperature is normally 59 degrees this time of year.  The average this October is in the 70s.   No moisture since a snow storm blew through in early September.   Need to go to sleep with phone next to your bed in case of fire.   Who relaxes with  red flag warnings each day?    Learning to fall asleep with fire danger hanging over your head.  Weary.
Haven’t seen your daughter since Christmas.  FaceTime is okay but a hug and a joke would be great.  Taking a hike together and turning around to see Denali off in the distance would be welcome.  Weary.

The Fix - Discovering thee other side of Weary

Yes,  you probably are weary too.  Have you asked yourself how to get rid of weariness or are you too worn out to ask?  Sometimes sitting with an emotion like weariness is the way to banish it.
As you sit with weariness stay there.  No getting up to fix a tea.  No turning on your favorite pod cast.  Just sit with it.  Take a slow breath in and imagine the air is going right into your heart.  Then slowly release the air from your heart.  Think of something or someone who you care about, maybe a pet, maybe a wonderful friend or grandchild.   Sit breathing slowly like this for just 3 minutes.

Discover the other side of Weary: The Smile

Now how do you feel?   Alive.  In those minutes there was balance, right?  There was peace and the sense of caring in those minutes.  You are fine.  You count.  Caring about others counts.  You are still here and that is making others happy.  Fill out your ballot, vote and You  COUNT  again. 
Weary is okay.  Weary is just a smile away from joy and energy.  Weary got you to slow down, care and realize You really do count.