Fascinating Discovery of Elementals

Fascinating discovery of Elementals


Fascinating Discovery of ELEMENTALS

Today brought the world of elementals to life for me.  I realized I’ve always known about elementals.  I’ve lived the last 30 years with an awareness of elementals.  I think, in retrospect, I’ve just not known the definition of elementals and because of this I haven’t labeled the remarkable experiences I’ve had in nature as partially influenced by the elementals.
This weekend that changed.  Someone was theorizing about elementals and their historic value to the earth.  I found myself wondering just what an elemental is.  At this moment I’m still not certain however I know they exist and they’ve been in touch. 
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Awakening to discovery of elementals

This  awakening to elementals has been so magical.  I want desperately to hold on to the magic and the only way I know how is to is to write about it.  I decided to ‘google’ elementals.
The person who caught my attention, Jim Self,  had a 4-minute YouTube on “who are elementals.”  I listened and acquired an ephemeral partial answer.  Then I was surprised to find another young woman who had a YouTube answering, ‘who are elementals?’  Of course, I tuned in.  Her name is Asia Suler.  What a remarkable person. 
Exciting discovery of elementals

Discovery of elementals explained

The combination of Asia’s definition along with Jim Self’s definition gave me something to hold on to.
Asia said elementals are nature spirits, and fairies enabled by your inner child or embraced by young children.
Jim told a story about the fall of the earth and that the elementals were here to reflect the light of Source or Universe back to whomever.  He said when earth fell there was darkness and no light for elementals to reflect back to humanity, however now there is light flickering and growing and elementals especially enjoy reflecting it back when to you when your thoughts are positive and full of light.
They both alluded to the connection of elementals with air, fire, earth and water of course these are the basic elements of earth.
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My fascinating discovery of the elementals

Upon moving into our home in Colorado, the first thing I asked of the family was to commit space on the property to nature which I labelled the “sacred space”  It was to be owned and run by nature with no interruptions from us.  It remained innocently committed to the elementals  for many years. 
While taking a class, teamed with 2 wonderful ladies, it was decided to have our guides or guardian angels answer one of the questions posed to us.  I don’t remember the question.  I do remember the answer.  
I chose to go and sit in the “sacred space” to meditate and see if I could hear the answer from Guides or Angels.   I sat for at least 20 minutes, experiencing a quiet mind, feeling the breeze at my back.  At 30 minutes I gave up and decided to try again later. 
Then I heard this voice say, “right beside you”.  I looked and saw nothing but pine needles and dead branches.  I put my hand down as support to get up and I felt a pinch coming from the branch my hand touched.  I picked up the branch to see what pinched me.  As I looked at the branch, there, formed by off shoots of branches from main branch were my initials.  All 3 initials. 
I realized that I was the answer to the question.  I began to cry and I cried for several minutes.  Magic had just occurred.  Now I realize it was the elementals reflecting the answer back to me.
My husband and I have talked extensively about elementals.  My husband realized he had experienced elementals.  He related to me how he experiences them.  I was fascinated.  I realized then just how much time and energy we spend in nature.  We hike together at least 4 times a week in nature.  I thought of all the times I’ve hugged a tree and felt the energy emanating from the tree.  Of course, I made sure no one was on the trail was watching when I did it. 
I then remembered all the times I have admired the flowering of grass that hasn’t been cut.  I thought of the plants at the end of summer season I couldn’t bear to watch die, brought them in the house and they made it through the winter.  I just think about all the birds, plants, trees, and insects that I watch outside of my office window and I tear up.  I’m that thankful.
elemental air Create YOUR Best Life Now

Another fascinating discovery of elementals

Today after our discussion and finding a bit out about elementals I realized that I’ve respected and loved their world quietly.  Within moments of acknowledging how beautiful our deck and the view was I had my own first-hand experience of elementals.  I knew immediately it was an elemental acknowledging me and the goodness and light in my life.  It was so magical.

Thrilled at the discovery of elementals in my life

I’m on a new path trying novel positive thoughts about myself, I’m relinquishing negative expectations, letting go of some long-term limiting programmed behaviors.  One of the emotions I’ve decided to bring into my life is ‘thrilled’. 
Today I felt thrilled repeatedly.  I’ve practiced experiencing thrilled sitting at my desk several mornings and I’m guessing the elementals mirrored it back to me full blast today.  I am so very grateful.  What a special life to have outside of covid19 and politics and family challenges.  

THANKS Elementals!