Reducing Stress Around Debt
Ever wonder how to reduce stress around DEBT?
There are 3 basic types of money you work with every day. They are debt, savings, and income goals. Debt is by far the most stress provoking type of money. It hovers around every purchase you make and most steps you take in business. It also influences the way you sell yourself and your products. The stress from having too much debt acts as an unconscious undercurrent affecting the entire day. It can also keep you up at night. Along with debt you may only need one other stressor like someone cutting you off on the highway to hurl you into anxiety. The question is, how to reduce the stress from debt, especially when you find yourself wanting to flip the finger at someone. Here is one of my favorite ways to immediately calm stress and nerves when you are on the go. Try it you’ll be amazed at the results.
Take a long, slow breath in through your nose. Breath out gently through your mouth. Without stopping breath in slowly through your nose. Imagine your breath as a continual motion, remembering not to stop the breathing motion. Do this for a few minutes to immediately relieve stress.