Creating Life-Changing Clarity
Creating Life-Changing Clarity
Creating Life-Changing Clarity in Today’s World
Creating life-changing Clarity in today’s world is an immense challenge. You don’t hear or see much that reflects clarity in today’s media or social outlets. In fact, clarity is becoming a rare commodity. There is so much information available it’s difficult to sift through all of it.
Seeking clarity can throw you into a state of complete overwhelm when all you were after was a simple answer. If you base clarity on truth then you’ll have to dig through more information than you can imagine to find what looks like the truth. And even then the truth ends up being somewhat nebulous.
Why is Creating Clarity Important?
So why is clarity important? Clarity is the basis for a well-defined state of focus. When you are focused and on point there is little that distracts you from your goals. Other people’s opinions and interference mean nothing when you are crystal clear about where you are going. You need clarity to identify and carry out your life’s purpose. Clarity of your life’s purpose directs vibrant, positive energy into all other areas of your life.
Once you have clarity about your life’s purpose then clarity about how you intend to reach it is vital. As you move to reach your purpose you definitely need clarity of agreement from others with whom you are involved. This clarity side tracks disappointments and problems that occur when agreements with others aren’t clear. Careful, distinct communication with others is tantamount to bringing Clarity into your life. That’s truly creating life-changing clarity.
What is Life-Changing Clarity Based On?
Often you start out with a foggy vague picture that is supposed to answer a question or better define a path. As you continue to ponder the question or path, the steps to take are there but not well defined. It may be an awareness that something doesn’t ring true. It can be an uncomfortable feeling that something doesn’t fit and needs to be changed. This is the time to become more precise and fine-tuned to what exactly is this fogginess.