Lead With The Heart: Let Go of Darkness
This is a moment to LEAD WITH THE HEART: LET GO OF THE DARKNESS. It’s a time to realize you are the spark of the universe. You are an immediate extension of all that is, of God, of the Universe. Call upon bravery and smile.
You’re being asked to lift out of one level of the known and into the next level of higher frequency which is, for the most part, completely the unknown. Can you do it? Of course.
To reach and sustain this higher octave or frequency, where darkness evaporates, requires total trust in goodness, in seeing the best in others and any situation. It requires a heart that can take the lead.
No longer is the planning or strategizing of the mind taking the lead. This is the time to respond to all the events happening in life, not to attempt to create them according to your carefully devised plans.
All this is occurring at a time when we are just learning the power of our hearts and how to lead with the heart: let go of the darkness, instead of leading with the mind..
This is occurring so life can happen through us, with us. This is recognizing our connection to all that is and the limitless potential that lies within each one of us. It is living without darkness or fear in a realm where things materialize more quickly, more radically, more beautifully, and more boldly. It is a time that life lives for…. A time to lead with the heart: let go of the darkness.
This time of change marks an invitation into a new reality where things happen quickly & according to bold, loving optimism without long obscure outlines or roadmaps.
To access this reality, you have to leap into the unknown, you have to leave behind procrastination, second guessing, and thinking that you have to do everything on your own. You have to let go of planning and strategizing every next move. Setting defined expectations is out of the question.
What is required is the way of the heart. And what is the ‘way’ of the heart? It is reacting benevolently to what appears in the moment and making choices based on intuition and heartfelt knowing, lead with the heart: let go of the darkness.
This is what is being presented effortlessly now. It is the path of this era. This is a time to respond to what is coming into your life in the present moment. To respond with your heart and personal truth.
This means functioning without playing it safe or taking too long or letting lesser priorities distract you or depending on the guidelines of others.
And what happens when you do this? All this leads you to the big question, what is life like without an oppressive sense of fear? What is life like without constant duality? What does a setting sun look like without fear in the background? What does healing feel like without fear?
Life is outrageous and it is also astute. It is awakening sometimes, and it is also a natural unfolding of right timing and synergy. You are this process of life not separate from it.
Nature and the earth are examples of the process of life. Watch nature, walk on the earth and you realize the power of its love for you. It brings an energy surge to clear your mind and awaken joy.
Mother earth knows about life and death and catastrophe. She has no need for drama or anxiety. She encourages creativity and freedom. She effortlessly supports us in reaching our highest good.
In order to reach our highest good, to follow joy, to respond with our heart to whatever the universe sends our way, and to follow our intuition, you must be free of the hold of darkness.
No more believing what you say isn’t valuable or what you do isn’t flawless . Just trust it. Doing this improves your life and the life of those around you.
To release the hold of past darkness, go within, to that place of stillness, leaving all you have believed or known behind. And when you reach this splendid space of the unknown stay there, feel it’s inherent peace. Every answer is here.
And when a message arrives that is like knowing something and having no idea how you came to know it, then act on this knowing regardless if you have proof or if your mind tells you differentl
Flip the Switch
Short Meditation to Lead with the heart